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Official Website of the Asian Association for EMS


Dear AAEMS members,

The AAEMS will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 1 August 2017, 8am in Singapore.

The venue of the meeting is at Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Academia Building, Level 1, Room L1-S1 (https://www.sgh.com.sg/Others/visitor-information/Pages/visitor-info.aspx).

At the meeting, we will be proposing some changes to the constitution, which will require voting from members.

We will also be presenting the annual report of the association.


The agenda will be made available soon.


Please do note that in order to possess voting rights at the AAEMS AGM, members would need to hold a current AAEMS membership card

In case of any query please contact Ms Pek Pin Pin (SGH) or mail her at pek.pin.pin@sgh.com.sg. 

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